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2℃-8℃熔封温度挑战:A-10 熔封机

文/ 发布于2020-11-19  浏览数量:

Flame Sealing Temperature Test:A-10 Sealer
2℃-8℃熔封温度挑战:A-10 熔封机

Background 背景

One of the largest international pharmaceutical companies is packaging a product in glass ampules, to be kept at a temperature between 2° C and 8° C.
The purpose of this project was to measure the rise in temperature of the liquid after being flame sealed by the Ampulmatic-10 Ampule Sealer.

Procedure 处理

We filled 1 mL Wheaton ampules with 1 mL of water and 5 mL Wheaton ampules with 5 mL of water.  Everything was cooled to 5° C or less and placed inside a cooler with ice packs.

The Ampulmatic-10 Sealer was used to flame seal each ampule.  The Ampulmatic-10 System utilizes the tip seal method for sealing glass ampules.  The flame melts the glass at the top of the ampule while the Sealer spins the ampule, creating a strong hemispherical seal.

Each ampule was placed in the carousel one space before the flame sealing position. Immediately after sealing, we broke open the ampule, placed it in a refrigerated environment, and used a digital thermometer to measure the temperature of the liquid. The thermometer probe was kept at ~4° C between measurements to minimize equilibration time.

Results 结果

In the 1 mL ampules, temperature rise ranged from 3.0° C to 3.7° C.
在1mL安瓿瓶中,温度上升范围从3.0° C to 3.7° C。
1 mL ampule Temperature Sealing Test   7/25/18
Starting Temperature (°C) Temperature After Sealing (°C) Temperature Rise (°C)
1.7 5.4 3.7
2.6 6.9 4.3
4.0 7.0 3.0
In the 5 mL ampules, temperature rise ranged from 1.8° C to 2.1° C.
在5mL安瓿瓶中,温度上升范围从1.8° C to 2.1° C。
5 mL ampule Temperature Sealing Test   7/26/18
Starting Temperature (°C) Temperature After Sealing (°C) Temperature Rise (°C)
3.5 5.4 1.9
2.5 4.3 1.8
1.9 4.0 2.1
1.9 4.0 2.1

Recommendations 推荐

·Ampules should be pre-filled and kept refrigerated until ready to seal.

·The pre-filled ampules should be kept at the lowest possible temperate before sealing.

·The operator should use Kevlar insulated gloves (Bioscience PCN 270 114) to reduce heat transfer. 
操作员应使用Kevlar绝缘手套(Bioscience PCN 270 114)以减少热传递。

· Immediately after sealing, the ampule should be returned to refrigerated conditions.

· It’s our opinion that the smaller ampules will have the greatest variability in temperature, so care should be taken to keep the liquid chilled during the sealing process.

本文章总结的知识来自于美国BIOSCIENCE及其母公司Monera Technologies Corporation。如需转载,请注明出处。侵权必究。